Top Talking Tips
Speech, language and communication resources
We know that babies are born communicating, and that speech, language, and communication skills are central to their development.
That’s why we developed our Top Talking Tips booklet and wallchart, which you can download below, and have gathered together some of our other favourite speech, language and communication resources.
Download the booklet and wallchart
Here are the links to the specific resources mentioned in the booklet:
- Big Little Moments
- TED Talk from Annie Murphy Paul: What we learn before we’re born
- Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University: serve and return ‘how to’ video
- Tiny Happy People: bilingual babies: your questions answered by a speech and language therapist
Here are links to the specific resources mentioned in the wallchart:
Explore some of our other favourite early years speech, language and communication resources
Tiny Happy People is there to help you develop your child's language skills. Explore their simple activities and play ideas and find out about babies and toddlers' amazing early development.
A series of animated videos featuring everyday Big Little Moments you can share with your babies and toddlers to build their brains. The little moments you share every day make a big difference.
A series of videos made by parents for parents. You will watch parents and carers sharing precious little moments which will help little ones' brains grow and develop.
The National Literacy Trust provides evidence-based resources, research, training, programmes and National Literacy Trust membership to make your literacy provision highly effective.
Harvard University's Center on the Developing Child explores 'serve and return' theory. When caregivers are responsive to baby's signals and needs, neural connections are built and strengthen baby's developing brain.
Supporting early relationships between babies and their parents/carers
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust resources with age-specific guidance, support, tips and animated videos to help children with speech, language and communications needs.
In this thought-provoking webinar 'Seeing the World through Babies' Eyes' Dr Suzanne Zeedyk passionately explores the importance of connections and belonging for a baby, and how babies are born connected.
Everything you do together helps your baby’s brain develop. It’s never too early to start - from bump, to babies to toddlers. Explore how in this leaflet.
Brazelton Centre's library of resources on baby behaviour which can be used to support parents in getting to know their new baby and in helping to promote an understanding of newborns’ communication.
Look, Say, Sing, Play is NSPCC's baby brain-building campaign, which provides parents with ideas of how they can communicate with their babies to encourage healthy brain development.
These cards are a highly visual tool designed to facilitate understanding of the parent-infant relationship for practitioners and parents. Training for professionals is delivered by Bradford District Care NHS Care Trust.
Find out how to refer two-year-olds for speech and language support in the home, delivered for us by BHT Early Education and Training
Early Years Alliance's Family Corner is packed full of helpful articles on all aspects of child development including health, behaviour, communication and fun activities. And it is all written by experts.
Speech and Language (was ICAN) UK's team of speech & language therapists have written the I CAN Help Factsheets, based on their most frequently asked questions from parents, carers and practitioners.
AWARE is a parent-run group supporting families with children and young adults on the autistic spectrum (formal diagnosis not required). The group covers the Airedale, Wharfedale, Bradford and Craven areas and beyond.
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