Better Start Brushing
An educational campaign to help improve the oral health of 0-3s in the Better Start Bradford area

What is Better Start Brushing?
Sadly, Bradford has the highest rates of childhood tooth decay in Yorkshire, with more than 1 in 3 five-year old children having evidence of decayed or filled teeth.
Better Start Brushing is an oral health campaign which aims to educate families in Bowling and Barkerend, Bradford Moor and Little Horton around good oral health from the moment baby's first tooth appears.

Through Better Start Brushing, we have pulled together key messaging from the experts to share with our families. These experts include the Oral Health Foundation, who run the campaign National Smile Month, Change4Life ‘Top Tips for Teeth’ campaign and HABIT (Health visitors delivering Advice in Britain on Infant Toothbrushing).
We have also got lots of fun and creative ideas to help get those all important messages across including our Sugar Surprise Game. Have a go below!
Sugar Surprise Game
Click on each image to find out the answer
Find out more about good oral health care...
National Smile Month is a charity campaign all about championing the benefits of having good oral health and promoting the value of a healthy smile.
The Change4Life ‘Top Tips for Teeth’ campaign supports dental professionals in communicating good dental practice to parents in bitesize chunks.
HABIT (Health visitors delivering Advice in Britain on Infant Toothbrushing) is an intervention which supports health visitors to have effective conversations around baby and young children’s oral health with families.
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