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Book early and directly with your midwife and be sure to keep your antenatal appointments. Seeing your midwife in early pregnancy helps to ensure the best outcome for you and your baby.
Bradford midwives
To book with a midwife, you can ask your GP to arrange this or call 01274 364502 (available 3 days per week). For all other midwifery enquiries please call Bradford Royal Infirmary switchboard 01274 542200 and ask for the maternity department you require for example, the labour ward, antenatal clinic, or early pregnancy unit. Bradford Council Midwife information
Airedale midwives
Telephone 01535 292120
Every Baby Matters Leaflet
Get useful information and advice about looking after you and your baby’s health in the Every Baby Matters leaflet.
Bumps to Babies
The Bumps to Babies booklet shows mums and families throughout the Bradford district where they can find support during pregnancy and for young children aged 0-5 years. NHS midwifery and health visiting teams provide essential support throughout every stage of a woman’s pregnancy and through the early years.
Health Visitors support you if you are pregnant or a new parent. They provide a range of services to support you on your parenting journey, from getting ready to be parents and giving birth, to your child’s toddler years and starting school.
Bradford District Care Trust health visitors are all fully qualified nurses that have specialist training in baby and children’s health and in supporting families. They work with a range of different people like your local doctor, your midwife and local nurseries and child minders, to help you and your child. You will be contacted by your health visiting service to arrange visits or appointments at the key stages as described above or when other support is needed.
The health visiting service in Bradford is organised around the Family Hub areas. Each health visiting team has a mobile number but if you have not received this please contact the Single Point of Access on 01274 221223 who will direct your call to the correct team.
The health visiting service is available between 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. If you need advice outside these hours you can contact the 111 service or your local pharmacist. Health Visiting
Contact your local Family Hub to find out about a range of support in your area such as: parenting groups and courses, advice on childcare, local activities and short breaks for disabled children and young people.
There are four Family Hubs in the Bradford district Bradford East, Bradford South, Bradford West and Keighley and Shipley. There is a postcode checker on their website to check which Family Hub covers your area.
The Better Start Bradford area is covered by the Bradford East Family Hub:
Bradford East:
01274 437523
[email protected]
Bradford South:
01274 434940
[email protected]
Bradford West:
01274 436700
[email protected]
Keighley and Shipley:
01535 618005
[email protected]