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Little Free Libraries

Better Place and Better Start Imagine bring reading outside with the Little Free Libraries.

Better Start Bradford projects Better Place and Better Start Imagine have joined forces to bring reading to the great outdoors and there are now seven Little Free Libraries across Bowling and Barkerend, Bradford Moor and Little Horton situated at:

  • Attock Park
  • Bowling Park
  • Bradford Moor Park
  • Laisterdyke Library
  • Mayfield Pocket Park
  • Neighbourhood Resource Centre, Ventnor Street
  • WomenZone Community Centre

The books are there to be taken, swapped, replaced, shared or simply to be read there and then as the libraries have purposely been located near play areas, benches and seating areas.

The libraries have their own unique design and theme and have been painted beautifully with appealing designs for small children by artists Helen Corney and Hannah Lawson.

How Little Free Libraries began...

Back in 2009, the first Little Free Library was erected in Wisconsin, America by Todd Boll, who created it as a tribute to his mother – a teacher who loved reading. He made a small wooden house and put it on a post at the end of his drive with a sign that said ‘Free Books’ for families and children to take books to read.

12 years on, Todd’s book sharing idea is now Worldwide, with over 100,000 Little Free Libraries registered in over 108 countries!

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News / 9th December 2021
Little Free Libraries come to the Better Start Bradford area

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