Start Your Volunteering Story...
A drop-in event to find out about volunteering opportunities
For anyone interested in volunteering
Tuesday 7 February 2023
10.00am - 12.00pm
Laisterdyke Youth & Community Centre (Sports Hall), Manse Street, BD3 8RP

As a volunteer you can make a real difference to other people’s lives, while also:
Building new skills and confidence
Gaining experience that could help you into employment or a new career
Meeting new people and feeling connected
Giving you purpose
There are a wide range of rewarding roles available within the Better Start Bradford programme and beyond to suit different starting points and circumstances.
The first and best step is to come along to the Laisterdyke Centre (a designated Warm Space) on Tuesday 7 February to find out everything you need to know. We promise you warm drinks, warm hands and warm hearts with:
- Details of the different roles available and friendly people from the organisations below to talk to
- A chance to chat with existing volunteers about how volunteering has changed their lives
- ‘Stay warm’ advice, plus a free winter-warmer goodie bag, tea, coffee, hot chocolate and healthy snacks!
Drop in anytime between 10.00am and 12.00pm and meet staff and volunteers from:
- Better Start Bradford
- Bradford Council
- Bradford Doulas
- Family Action – Perinatal Support Service
- Home-Start Bradford District
- Karmand Centre
- Age UK
- Bradford Trident
We look forward to seeing you there!
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Abrar Hussain:
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