Infant Mental Health In Action Training
Part two of training package on Infant Mental Health Awareness
Health visitors, midwifes, family hub staff and Better Start Bradford project staff
Thursday 23 November 2023
12.00pm - 4.30pm
Barkerend Children's Centre, 365 Barkerend Road, BD3 8QX
This half-day training event builds on the knowledge gained during the Infant Mental Health Awareness training.
It aims to increase knowledge of risk factors for infant mental health difficulties; increase confidence in talking with families about infant mental health; and develop skills in parent-infant observations.
The Little Minds Matter project is commissioned to offer the training to Health Visitors, Midwives, Family Hub staff and Better Start Bradford project staff as a priority. However, if you work with parents and / or infants (for example you are a Social Worker, a Community Psychiatric Nurse or a CAMHS member of staff) in Bradford then please contact us on 01274 251298 for details of non-priority spaces.
Please ensure you have your manager’s approval before booking on to this course.
Please note, this event is not organised by Better Start Bradford. If you have any questions about the event – or would like to check it is still running before attending – please contact the organiser directly.
Event contact details
This training is delivered by Little Minds Matter. Find out about their other courses here.
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