HENRY Healthy Families Programme
A free eight-week programme to help families develop a healthy lifestyle
For families with children aged 0-4 in the Better Start Bradford area
Wednesday 18 January 2023
10.00am - 12.00pm
Barkerend Hub, 365 Barkerend Road, BD3 8QX
The date shown above is the course start date. It runs for 8 weeks.
Join Faatimah from HENRY over 8 weeks in this relaxed and friendly group and meet other families face to face to explore these topics and more:
- Feeling more confident as a parent
- Physical activities for the little ones
- What children and the whole family eats
- Family lifestyle habits
- Enjoying life as a family
Each week there is either an online or in-person session. You’ll also receive a free toolkit with lots of fantastic resources. The programme is an opportunity to share ideas and experiences with other families in a safe environment. There’s a free creche with limited space for older siblings during the school holidays (up to 8 years of age).
To book: You can email the HENRY team at [email protected] , text/call/WhatsApp 07709 640454 or book online here
Please note, this event is not organised by Better Start Bradford. If you have any questions about the event – or would like to check it is still running before attending – please contact the organiser directly.
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