Fairytale Land
Stay and learn session themed around fairytales
For families with children aged 0-4
Tuesday 5 November 2024
9.30am - 11.00am
Bankfoot Primary School (Community Room), Bolingbroke Street, Bankfoot, BD5 9NR
Who will you discover when you open the fairytale book each week? Maybe a bear or three. A boy with some magic beans. Or a beautiful girl with a fairy godmother!
Join this fun, active stay and play session themed by popular children’s fairytales for families with children aged 0-4.
There’s lots for your little ones to enjoy with you, including:
- Themed based on fairytales
- Storytelling
- Arts and crafts
- Role play
- Messy play
There will be a trip on the final session.
Please book as limited spaces available.
To book please contact Shareen Iqbal on 01274 732068 or text Miriam on 07442 436252.
These sessions have been made possible thanks to funding from Better Start Bradford’s Happy Early Years Fund (HEY!) Fund.
Please note that this event is not organised by Better Start Bradford. If you have any questions about the event please contact the organiser directly.

Whether you’re expecting a baby, have children aged 0-3 or work or volunteer in health, maternity or early years, we've got an event or training session for you.
A series of animated videos featuring everyday Big Little Moments you can share with your babies and toddlers to build their brains. The little moments you share every day make a big difference.