Bradford Babies TALKING
Speech, Language and Communication in the Early Years
A conference for Baby Week Bradford 2022
For anyone working, studying or volunteering in early years, maternity and children's health in Bradford
Thursday 17 November 2022
9.45am - 2.00pm
LIFE Centre, Wapping Road, Bradford, BD3 0EQ

Join Baroness Floella Benjamin DBE, The Fatherhood Institute, The Brazelton Centre, and BHT Early Education and Training – and us – at this exciting, in-person conference for Baby Week Bradford 2022!
This free, in-person, event for Baby Week Bradford 2022 will explore speech, language and communication development from different viewpoints, sharing both local and national learning.
It will bring together our Bradford district workforce – including early years practitioners, midwives, nurses, health visitors, social workers, doctors, therapists, students and volunteers– to explore current issues in practice and consider what needs to be done here and now in Bradford.
Inspirational guest speakers include:
Baroness Floella Benjamin DBE
Floella Benjamin is best-known as the iconic presenter of the BBC’s legendary children’s programmes, ‘Playschool’ and ‘Playaway’, through which she became a household name. She has written over 30 children’s books and is particularly concerned with the plight of children, their human rights, education and welfare throughout the world. Floella says:
I’m absolutely delighted to be part of Baby Week Bradford for the first time this year. It’s so great to have a whole week dedicated to babies’ development and how we can all play a part in building more resilient and healthy humans. Throughout my life I’ve been committed to babies and children’s development and how those earliest years can influence them forever. Please join me for the Bradford Babies Talking event on Thursday 17 November 2022.
Jeszemma Garratt – Head of Training, The Fatherhood Institute
Jeszemma has a long history of ‘ground level’ work with fathers in early years and children’s centres in diverse communities. She has worked as a consultant and trainer in father-inclusive practice, equality and diversity, and participatory appraisal research techniques. She is committed to equality of access to services for fathers and enjoys her development role supporting agencies in this agenda.
The Fatherhood Institute is the UK’s fatherhood think-and-do-tank, and one of the most respected fatherhood organisations in the world.
Anulika Ifezue – Senior Trainer, The Brazelton Centre / Specialist Health Visitor and Lead for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, Manchester
Anulika will explore how we can interpret the universal language of newborn babies’ behaviour, ensuring that the voice of the baby remains central to our practice.
Brazelton Centre UK is a national charity dedicated to supporting healthy parent-baby relationships though promoting an understanding of newborn babies’ communication.
Rebecca Heald – Language Development Manager, BHT Early Education and Training; Claudine Bowyer-Crane – Associate Research Director (Education and Skills), The National Institute of Economic and Social Research
BHT Early Education and Training has delivered the Talking Together programme for Better Start Bradford since 2015, which provides language assessments for all two-year-olds in the Better Start Bradford area. Reflecting on what has been learnt so far, Rebecca and Claudine will present local intelligence with the support of national evidence.
BHT Early Education and Training is a registered charity established in 2003 to support the social, intellectual and physical development of children. The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) is Britain’s longest established independent research institute.
In addition to this amazing line-up of speakers, there will be opportunities to chat to BBC Tiny Happy People and more, plus you’ll receive a special goodie bag and lunch.
Join us to celebrate babies, Bradford and togetherness!
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Baby Week Bradford 2022 focused on speech, language and communication in the early years, with Bradford Babies TALKING!
If you work or volunteer in early years, sign up to receive a little piece of Baby Week Bradford 2022 directly to your door, including speech, language and communication resources and promotional goodies.