'Bin the Bottle' Exchange for Free Flow Cup
Oral health event to swap baby bottles for free flowing cups
Families with children of 1 year plus
Wednesday 25 January 2023
12.30pm - 12.50pm
Strong Close Nursery School, Airedale Road, Keighley, BD21 4LW
This drop-in exchange session is being delivered as part of the ‘Bin the Bottle’ campaign delivered in partnership with the Community Dental service from Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust and Better Start Bradford.
Once babies reach the age of one they should be encouraged to use a free-flowing feeder cup instead of a baby bottle. Liquid flows much slower through a bottle meaning a baby’s teeth are in contact with the sugary substance for longer, which can increase the chance of tooth decay. Swapping to a cup will therefore reduce this risk.
They don’t need to use a bottle at all if they are breastfed, they can move straight onto a cup.
At each location, parents and carers will be able to collect:
- A free toothbrush
- A toothpaste pack
- A free-flowing feeder cup
The locations and dates are as follows:
- Barkerend Family Hub, BD3 8QX – 18 January, 12.00pm to 1.45pm
- St John’s Clinic, BD4 8TU – 24 January, 1.00pm-3.30pm
- Strongclose, BD21 4LW – 25 January, 8.45am-9.10am and 12.30-12.50pm (Please note, there will be no dentists or dental checks available at this clinic)
- Homewood Health Centre, BD4 9EJ – 1 February, 9.30am-12.30pm
- Farcliffe Children’s Centre, BD8 8QH – 2 February, 9.30am-4.00pm
- Royds Healthy Living Centre, BD6 3UD – 6 February, 9.30am-12.30pm
Please note, this event is not organised by Better Start Bradford. If you have any questions about the event – or would like to check it is still running before attending – please contact the organiser directly.

Event Contact Details
This event is organised by the Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust.
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Whether you’re expecting a baby, have children aged 0-3 or work or volunteer in health, maternity or early years, we've got an event or training session for you.