Baby Movers at Horton Park
Energetic fun for babies from birth to crawlers
For families with babies from birth to crawlers
Thursday 5 October 2023
10.30am - 11.30am
Horton Park, Bradford, BD5 9LR
Do you have an active baby who loves to be on the move all of the time? If so join the Little Movers team at Horton Park for:
- Dancing to music
- Play and having fun
- Fun active games
Please dress for the weather.
Contact Sarah on 07875 021646 for more information.
This project has been funded by the Better Place Outdoor Project Fund.
Please note, this event is not organised by Better Start Bradford. If you have any questions about the event – or would like to check it is still running before attending – please contact the organiser directly.

Event contact details
This event has been organised by Sarah of Little Movers
Whether you’re expecting a baby, have children aged 0-3 or work or volunteer in health, maternity or early years, we've got an event or training session for you.
Better Place has launched its Better Place Outdoor Project Fund, available for small groups and organisations to apply for funding to run projects at Better Place outdoor spaces.