Talking Bradford
The one-stop-shop to help 0-5 year olds talk and communicate

Talking Bradford is a step-by-step guide to help parents and carers support their young children with speech, language and communication development.
It includes fun and easy activities to try at home, how to find free local ‘play and learn’ groups and how to check whether a child is communicating at the appropriate level for their age. It aims to ensure every child aged 0-5 in the Bradford district with speech, language and communication (SLC) needs is supported at the right time, in the right place, by the right people.
The guide (or pathway) can be found on the FYI website and brings together everything parents and carers need to know about helping their child to talk and communicate from an early age, and there are also resources for professionals who work with children.
This work was supported our Early Years Specialist, in partnership with parents, the Local Authority and NHS partners.
Explore the resources
Family Resources
Your guide to what the Bradford district has to offer to support your child
Early Years Practitioner Resources
A step by step guide to help you navigate the Talking Bradford pathway as an early years practitioner
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