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Mobilising Early Years Research for a Brighter Future - Insights from the Better Start Bradford Innovation Hub

30 October 2024

Better Start Bradford are taking part in three new webinars 5, 12 and 19 November – Mobilising Early Years Research for a Brighter Future – Insights from the Better Start Bradford Innovation Hub (BSBIH)

BSBIH have been working with Better Start Bradford to evaluate the projects and early life interventions delivered as part of their 10-year programme. Together we’re hosting three webinars where you will hear first-hand details of the findings and evidence alongside research from our programme. These webinars will be of interest to practitioners, researchers and anyone working in/or with an interest in early years.

These are part of Better Start Bradford’s Sharing Knowledge, Shaping Futures legacy programme. Don’t miss this chance to engage with cutting-edge research and learn how we can build a brighter future for the wellbeing of children and families. All the webinars will have an interactive Q&A session at the end.

Tuesday 5 November 2024 10:00 – 12:00 – Health, nutrition and green space

Join us for an insightful webinar on health, nutrition and green space, where we’ll dive into the latest research on services like Breastfeeding supportHENRYForest Schools and Better Place.

We’ll present key insights from these services and we’ll outline our exciting plans for future evaluations. Dr Sara Ahern, Programme Manager for the Better Start Bradford Innovation Hub, will highlight what is needed to support the health and wellbeing of children, both in Bradford, and beyond.

Book here

Tuesday 12 November 10:00-12:00 – Language and communication

Our findings have revealed that one in four children in the cohort were classified as ‘late talkers,’ suggesting an increased risk of poor educational attainment in the future. The Better Start Bradford Innovation Hub has been evaluating interventions aimed at improving children’s learning environments, including Talking Together and Better Start Imagine.

Join us to hear about how these services have been received by the community, what impact they have made, and what these findings mean for the future. Professor Claudine Bowyer-Crane, Professor of Education at the University of Sheffield, will highlight the overarching messages of our research, and discuss what is needed to support children’s early language development both in Bradford and beyond.

Book here

Tuesday 19 November 10:00-12:00 – Social and emotional development

We have found that a significant proportion of women report symptoms of depression during pregnancy, and 1 in 5 children are at risk of having personal/social issues at the age of 2-years-old. Services are needed to support parent and child socioemotional wellbeing. Join us for an insightful webinar on socioemotional development, where we’ll dive into the latest research on services like Little Minds MatterBaby StepsIncredible Years (Toddler) and the Personalised Midwifery Project, which all support the wellbeing of young children and their families.

We’ll present key insights from these services, showing the changes in child and parent wellbeing before and after participation. Dr Sarah Blower, Associate Professor of Child Development and Family Wellbeing, will highlight what’s needed to support socioemotional wellbeing in the early years, both in Bradford, and beyond.

Book here

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