Four Doulas and a Baby!
05 September 2019

It was widely speculated in the press that Meghan Markle may have used a doula to support her and Prince Harry with the birth of baby Archie. However, one local Bradford mum had to have the support of four volunteer doulas when she gave birth!
After being induced on the Friday night, the mum in question went a further 38 hours before her baby girl was born. As a volunteer doula you are expected to support the family for up to eight hours, but the length of labour meant that her doula needed to call in for support from her volunteer colleagues from the Bradford Doulas, one of Better Start Bradford’s projects.
Volunteer doulas, Christine, Maria, Shelley and Sarah all took it in turns to support the mother through her birth journey. Her main volunteer doula, Christine, was there for the birth when the baby girl weighing 7lb 7oz was finally born in the early hours of the Sunday morning.
The mum said: “Even though it was a long and difficult birth, it was such a positive experience compared to my previous birth with my son. I bonded more with my daughter than I did when my son was born. I have never come across such understanding people in my life. The doulas really were angels.”
Aliya Fazil, Programme Manager, Bradford Doulas, said: “The help that our volunteer doulas offer the women that they care for is inspiring, and the support that they offer one another is truly heart-warming. The teamwork and commitment shown is a reason to believe in kindness and demonstrates how women supporting other women has such a positive impact for everyone involved.
“It is a great privilege to work alongside so many strong and generous-hearted women.”
About Bradford Doulas
Bradford Doulas offer free practical and emotional support to pregnant mums six weeks before the birth, during labour and six weeks after the birth, through trained volunteers.
Our Bradford Doulas project supports women to make the best choices for themselves and their babies, helping them to achieve a positive birth experience and building their knowledge to enable them to make informed decisions about childbirth, nutrition and breastfeeding. Support from volunteer doulas can also connect families into network of other support services.
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Receive emotional and practical support from a volunteer doula before, during and after birth (for women who are 28+ weeks' pregnant).
Whether you’re expecting a baby, have children aged 0-3 or work or volunteer in health, maternity or early years, we've got an event or training session for you.