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Hooray for Play: 18 November 2024

Health and early years professionals from across the Bradford district got together to discuss the value that play has on so many aspects of babies and children’s development, physical and mental health, wellbeing and happiness.

Our own Kerry Bennett and Gill Thornton set the scene for the day and described how play has been a golden thread running through all of Better Start Bradford’s work.

Anne Longfield CBE, Executive Chair and Founder of the Centre for Young Lives, gave the keynote address, sharing how local and national evidence is informing best practice.

A vibrant panel discussion with local experts and stakeholders discussed the importance of play and how the Bradford district is bringing it to the fore.

The event ended with an interactive session with Gary Butterfield, founder of Joy Junction, who asked us to consider how we as individuals and teams can bring playfulness and joy to the workplace.

If you missed this event – or would like a reminder of the thought-provoking presentations – please download the slides below:

Download Kerry Bennett and Gill Thornton's slides (PDF)
Download Anne Longfield's slides (PDF)
Download Gary Butterfield's slides (PDF)

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